Anarchy Films is a boutique Production Services Company, founded in Athens by Grigoris Sarantis. Grigoris has worked with many UK & US based Production companies, like Somesuch, Stink, Biscuit, Iconoclast, Ruffian, Independent, as well as Agencies like Droga5, AMV BBDO, Wieden + Kennedy, VCCP, Fallon, Saatchi & Saatchi, for clients like Apple, Toyota, Corona, CNN, Nissan, Doritos, just to name a few.

In Anarchy Films we are dedicated to Service Production. We really love doing TV commercials and Feature films, nonetheless we offer our services to help you produce any kind of content, all over Greece.

We are creative minded, budget keepers, problem solvers and we promise to take good care of you while in Greece.

What makes us good at what we do is that we take every job personally. Oh, and the fact that we make everything work for you with minimum stress, style and a touch of humor.

Anarchy Film Productions still frames from Production Services